As a website that prides itself with telling it like it is and putting YOU first, not the car companies, it is REALLY starting to blow our minds how mentally ill the major car media is becoming.

WHY, do we make this claim?

Have you seen how these major sites are LAPPING UP these traditional car companies going electric and falling over themselves in praise of some of the UGLIEST vehicles EVER produced?

And what’s truly sad is the majority of the people now working at the major mags and popular car websites are RABID, progressive leftists who think the Green New Deal will create a utopia. Yes, even the biggest names who get the most press like in the WSJ, etc. Now, to be clear, we don’t give two craps what you believe politically, but if you are PRETENDING to be non-biased and presenting opinions that readers believe are fair and give all sides in order to help them make smart buying decisions, you MUST disclose in all you content your personal views. It’s only fair.

For example, I love trucks. And although I’m not AGAINST EV’s, I still believe we’re far away from critical mass UNTIL there is a MAJOR breakthrough in battery tech. And if you read us regularly, you know I CLEARLY disclaim my car leanings.

So forgive me if I blow my top seeing these SHEEP look at something like the VW LIFE, shown at the IAA show in Munich and RAVE about how ‘COOL’ it is.

Are they looking at the SAME car we are. Because HOLY SH_T, they need to find another career! THAT PRODUCT IS HIDEOUS whether you love EV’s or not.

We ask these people who are shoveling this garbage, do the right thing, and maybe get a career in the hospitality industry or on a boat in the Arctic. Honestly, they’re all a threat (i’m being humorous here, kind of) to us all living happy car lives!


So I’ll end with THIS question my friends…What is the BIGGER existential threat to our world? Climate change or the car companies and major auto media making a world where EVERY.SINGLE.CAR is as UGLY as a Fiat 500?


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